How late can you be on a title loan payment?

Quick Answer Title loan payment due dates can vary, but typically, you have a grace period of 10-30 days before it's considered late. Being late on payments can lead to fees, increased interest, and even vehicle repossession, so it's important to talk with your lender if you need an extension.

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Samuel Fisher • Answer updated on Jun 14, 2023

Fact checked by Dwayne Dumesle

Although title loan grace periods may vary based on the lender and your exact situation, they typically are between 10 - 30 days.

Now that you have that information, don't push your luck! Being late on a title loan is a little personal fireball of financial pain 🔥.

Learn: Can you be arrested for not paying a title loan?

You don't want to be late for so many reasons, we are going boil them down to just the main ones. Let's go on this infernal journey together.

  • Increased interest: Like most loans, car title loans accumulate interest over time. If you miss a payment, the initial interest rate will start to pile up even higher. When interest piles up to the point you cannot feasibly pay it off, you stand a good chance of losing your car (more on this below) and maybe being sued!
  • It's raining fees: A title loan lender will hammer you with fees. If you miss a payment, the creative fees you'll incur may make your head spin. 🤮 Late fees are common as well as administration fees. Again, so many fees.
  • Vehicle repossession: You are technically in default the moment that you missed a payment in many jurisdictions — often giving the lender the legal right to begin repossession. If you contact the lender before your missed payment, they might work with you on a revised repayment plan or even a rollover option.

If you are in danger of missing your payment, your first course of action should be to contact the lender directly. They will be much more friendly before the repayment term has expired. If you wait until your repayment term expires to let them know, you might run out of luck.

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